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Puppy Does Not “Come” when called…

Puppy Does Not “Come” when called…

Yes they ALL do it! Some time or the other for whatever reason… Seems there is a shell in the pasture (in a million sharp pieces) and the puppy wants to chew it. Well she cannot have this in her mouth. I would pick it up but it is too small and looks like gravel […]

Puppy Ride…

Puppy Ride…

We took the puppy with us on a short trip in the pick up truck this afternoon. She was hesitant to go, and fidgeted most of the short 14 mile ride. Rules were : 1. No going from person to person. She had to stay where I put her 2. She could not jump and […]

Puppy Help…

Puppy Help…

I think it very important to allow a puppy to go places with me. (I start them young) I take the puppy with me on the farm and other places as well. If I leave the farm and I do…I am careful where I allow the puppy access to the ground. Because the puppy is […]

Puppy Manners 101…

Puppy Manners 101…

Ah…manners! We all like them and admire dogs with good manners.  So, how does one achieve good manners?  It starts with teaching good manners when your dog is a puppy.  Here are some guidelines: Do not allow your puppy to do anything you would not want a grown dog weighing 50 pounds doing. No jumping […]

Well Now…

Well Now…

Seems my puppy (still no name) thought she should pen the Rooster in the stall. She was not pulling feathers but had him backed in a corner and holding him there. I eased round to the stall and because of her fussing she did not hear me coming…Big Puppy Mistake! I walked up be hind […]

Grudges…(not allowed)

Grudges…(not allowed)

So one thing I would like to mention …It is important…Very! When you correct your puppy or grown dog…do the correction when the incident happens. Then go on . Do not preach to the pup or dog…(I am guilty) I like to get my point across…Not helpful!  Do not pout and punish for hours ! […]

Started Puppy on Leash…

Started Puppy on Leash…

During the Larry Painter Clinic the puppy was on leash for the first time in her life. It was free and easy not to demanding. Just got her use to being on leash and walking with me. She also spent some time tied at the sheep pens supervised. I was pleased she took to the […]

Puppy and Sofa

Puppy and Sofa

Yes! Sofa! I brought the puppy in tonight to try out some names and visit with her (too cold and rainy for me outside) I had her to sit nicely on the sofa while I petted and played with her. She was called by Les to come and she did . Across the sofa and […]

It is Time!!!

It is Time!!!

Every puppy has to learn to “come” immediately when called no matter what!   Some come when called and are not a problem ever…some you really have to work on teaching them. Others come most of the time except when they are doing “something” they want to do and “you ” do not exist!  The […]

Careful! (little eyes)

Careful! (little eyes)

English Shepherds are smart!  No doubt.  My puppy watched and learned from some cousins last week in the yard.  My chickens are free range and I had taught my pup to leave them alone. Some of the visiting dogs gathered and penned the chickens (M.Dwight can tell that story), but my pup understood one thing…chickens […]