Yes they ALL do it! Some time or the other for whatever reason…

Seems there is a shell in the pasture (in a million sharp pieces) and the puppy wants to chew it. Well she cannot have this in her mouth. I would pick it up but it is too small and looks like gravel and it is in the grass scattered. (so without a nose I cannot find it)

Puppy grabs a piece and runs like crazy because she knows she is not suppose to have it and does not want to give it to me. (took 2 times taking it away from her to develop this behavior)

Now I can trot pretty good…but I can’t catch a puppy running away from me in the open field…

What to do?

I called “Come Here!” and she said “Free and easy down the road I go…you can’t do a thing about it and I know it!”

Did I get mad? Nope!

Here is the plan:

A. Puppy will be on leash tied to my belt or on lead till we get through this…

B. I will allow the pup to drag a long line (So I can catch her) and this does not escalate. (I have a light weight 12 foot rope line that is flat with no loops in it) so that it does not catch on things

C. I will have a few high value treats but only use them sparingly …(I want to encourage her and be positive and I will all ways be positive with my voice and praise for coming to me) but the treats are presents.

D. I do work on coming to me in all kinds of situations…and will continue that work…

E. I am starting to limit her loose time with the grown dogs and carve out more Puppy and me time.

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