DSCN0718 (2)We took the puppy with us on a short trip in the pick up truck this afternoon.

She was hesitant to go, and fidgeted most of the short 14 mile ride.

Rules were :

1. No going from person to person. She had to stay where I put her

2. She could not jump and be rude and bothersome .

3. Looking out the window was fine.

4. Using the back seat to potty (Not Cool!)  yes she did on my shirt !(Maybe why she was so fidgety!)

5. No getting out of the truck and onto the ground (but was allowed to watch the unloading of the truck)

The puppy  encountered many different things on this trip…the noise  of unloading scrap metal, tractors running, bumping along in a truck, road noise, stop and go traffic, radio sounds, sunshine, Les and I chatting as we went down the road. She took it all in and was fine!

She laid down and slept on the way home.