Seems my puppy (still no name) thought she should pen the Rooster in the stall. She was not pulling feathers but had him backed in a corner and holding him there.

I eased round to the stall and because of her fussing she did not hear me coming…Big Puppy Mistake!

I walked up be hind her and grabbed her hair at the base of her tail on her back and gave it a twist and pulled at the same time I said “Get out of that!” (I never hurt her at all) think hair pull…I got her attention on me and it was a surprise! All to my favor!

She walked out and said I do not want any more of that! But then out in the yard the hens were getting their evening meal…Puppy said WOO WHO! I will get after the hens! I said (no way could I catch her!)  “Get out of that!”  Guess what?!  She turned looked at me …and said “Yes Mam!”  And that was the end of it.

Oh there will be other incidents but we are on the right tract!

You bet I have her attention!

chickenPuppy A, Kay