My puppy is Ten Weeks old as of yesterday…

Today my puppy went with and helped me check on the lambs and the ewes. We put fresh water in the trough and put out hay.

This evening Les and I and the puppy went to the neighbors and picked up some hay. The puppy went with us. We left her in the truck with the windows down far enough if she locked the door some how… we could unlock it! (Well she locked the doors!) we reached in and unlocked the truck door.

We took the hay back to the sheep and fed them the puppy helped. Then later tonight I went down and checked on the lambs and sheep. The puppy went with Abilene, Drover and I…We watered …and checked the 7 acre field for any ewes that might be off lambing! There were not any. BUT we did see a set of yellow eyes down behind the sheep holding pens next to the branch! I shined the flash light several times and the eyes were there every time so we went to check it out! What ever it was RAN!!!! Drover and Abilene went crazy smelling what ever it was!
Coyote? Cat? Possum? Coon? Fox? I have BOO on watch tonight! She will do a good job!

As we crossed the field the puppy was aggravating Abilene. Jumping up and biting her. Abilene never missed a step but threw her leg up and knocked the puppy down twice ! Then the pup went in harder and Abilene caught her mid air with her mouth and took hold laid the pup on the ground and never stopped moving! (The pup yelped) and quit her messing round with Abilene…

The puppy learned much!