by Kay Keziah


My puppy still has no name! This is getting serious! She needs a name. I have been trying out names for weeks (months really). I do have an idea but…will see…


One of the things I am being very careful with and mindful of…Is not allowing my puppy to do things that are cute as a puppy of 12 pounds…but as an adult of say 50 pounds would be dangerous or painful to me or just plain aggravating…Like jumping up on me and others. Or getting in my face. Throwing that paw up for attention.


I have began to introduce her to sit/wait at doors and gates before going in or out. To kennel up. (go into the crate or X pen) no questions… she is so good that at 10 weeks she is will stay in the x pen! she does not jump up on it to get out and could very easily! I really do not want this puppy jumping on people or me!


While we cuddle and love in all sorts of places she is not allowed to be in my face. I can be in her face but I am the one that is in control.


This morning she went with me to the field to check on the ewes and lambs. Seems she loves this job and listens and minds very well on our walk thru the flock. She is learning from Drover to sit at the gate and wait till I say come!


I make sure she and I have one on one time daily. She can sit in my lap if invited! Then is told down and she understands that.  She is also watching Drover closely around the sheep.


She is a sponge soaking everything in!


I practice calling her to me in all the time. She is really good at coming when called!  (No treats , No Name)  just praise and a pet.


I am teaching what No Bite means in regards to me.  At the same time I am teaching her to be soft with anything in her mouth.


I watch her closely round the chickens! I still say nothing but do physically stop her from becoming rough or inappropriate with the chickens if it is necessary. (The chickens roam freely as does my puppy) all day long.


I allow my puppy to be part of everything I am doing outside that is safe for her. Like moving a square bale of hay from the barn to the field. She is learning to respect the grown dogs and to not give them a hard time! and to stay out of the way of the wheel barrow! She is NOT allowed to go after the wheels for any reason!  She has learned that it does not stop if she gets in front of it and acts silly. The thing will bump a pup and that is no fun! She can learn this with the light wheel barrow and latter when a car or something could run over her she will know to stay out of the way and why!


She goes and sits and watches the sheep with me during the day. Late this after noon I looked out and she was sitting about 10 feet from the sheep fence and the sheep on the hill…watching the sheep and lambs! Just watching…

