
I so forget about the stages young puppies go thru!

KAT is currently in her second puppy stage…Tear up things…Can’t hear me…Does not mind well…

What happened to my perfect pup?

Well this evening she had a few lessons in manners, and sit and stay!

KAT is 7 months of age…

Puppy License ended today with me…Some of the older dog still think she is cute…But I think it is time to grow up and not be so aggravating!  Manners!  She had them ..forgot them and now has to relearn them…

No jumping on me or anyone…sit stay, wait at gates and doors in a sit. No mouthing on me… Leave things alone like screen wire (her favorite) be kind to the older dogs (respect her elders) !

And she is in the zoomy stage…yard to carport to hit the screen door and back out again.

ALL this too shall pass! The sooner it does…the happier I will be! In the mean time..

I patiently teach her what I want, by showing her and insisting she do as I tell her…PATIENTLY!!! No anger or aggravation  on my part …

Sigh…This will be over with soon!

and once more…I will forget!


SOON! This is what I will have!!! It does not happen overnight! Nor does it just happen!!! WORK! and Patience!


1896 Father, daughter in cottage with dog

1896 Father, daughter in cottage with dog