KATBallou is 5 months old…

And into testing me…

Did I really mean no? or Get out of that? etc…

She is very biddable…I say no …she listens…but then goes right back and tries it again…

I do not preach! I say No! and then correct if necessary..so far it is working well…

This evening she went thru the fence to get with the sheep (Drover and I were working) That is not acceptable and after the 3 rd correction (no preaching) she “got the message”  Stay out! Unless allowed in!

I took her back to the gate and put her on the other side of the fence. and told her to stay.

We had this same sort of teachable moment with sit and stay at the gate last week…It took three firm corrections and no preaching and she now sits without being told to! at the gate!

KAT does not bother the sheep on her own …she is keen to work…but “with me” and “for me”…not without me…