My pup is going thru the “Welcome!” I am so happy to meet you! and I will prove it by JUMPING on you! Sigh…This is a stage…And it has to be dealt with… NOW!

Since I realized she is at this stage…I work on not allowing this behavior. I discourage it and tell her No Jump! But I back it up with some sort of correction…Like a sit stay to be petted. Or I make sure the jump is not successful…depends…I am not mad at the pup… Just firm and clear with what ever I use as a correction… And NEVER say a thing I cannot make happen! In fact I say very little…When I speak I want my pup to think “Oh she said something I best listen!”

I work on not allowing the opportunity to present itself! That is another way I teach do not jump…

This too will pass…but it will require work…some pups are more difficult than others to teach this to.
